
domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017

Help with pronunciation

Basic sentences and phonetic pronunciation.

A  B   C    D   E   F   G    H    I    J    K   L   M   N   O   P   Q    R   S   T   U   V     W      X   Y     Z
ei   bi   si    di    i    ef   yi  eich  ai  yei  kei el  em  en   ou  pi  qiui  ar  es  ti   iu   fvi  dabbiu  ex guay zed

My name is Gemma.  I am eight years old.
Mai neim is yeima. Ai am eich yiaes old.

How are you? How old are you?
Hau ar iu? Hau old ar iu?

I live in Villarejo. I live in a flat/ a house. There are three bedrooms.
Ai lif in Villarejo. Ai lif in a flat/ a haus. Der ar zri bedrums.

Today is sunny/ windy/ cloudy/ rainy.
Chudei is sani/ windi/ claudi/ reini.

I have a dog. He is small and black. He likes playing.
Ai haf a dog. Hi is smol and blak. Hi laiks pleiying.

In the morning I get up. I have breakfast and I brush my teeth, then I go to school.
In de morning ai get up. Ai haf breakfast and ai brash mai tiz, den gou chu scul.

I walk to school. I go to school by car.
Ai wok chu scul. Ai gou chu scul bai car.

My school starts at nine o´clock. My school finishes at two o´clock.
Mai scul starts at nain o’ clock. Mai scul finisis at chu o’ clock.

My brother is tall. He has got brown eyes and black hair. He is funny.
Mai broder is tol. Hi has got braun ais and blak her. Hi is fani.

My sister is short. She has got green eyes and blonde hair. She likes watching TV.
Mai sista is sort. Si has got grin ais and blond her. Si laiks woching tifvi.

Turn left. Turn right. Go straight ahead.
Tern left. Tern rait. Gou streit ahed.

* g- como gato  h- como despues de corer  s- hacienda callar *

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